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About The Author

Rick has done many things in his life, from founding and owning companies to pastoring a church for over five years. He was on the radio for seven years, and he made TV appearances on the TBN channel. He has continued to do public speaking at marriage seminars, motivational speaking, and keynote speaking. He has served on the board of several churches as an elder since his late twenties.

From the age of twenty-three, he has taken a personal interest in helping people, especially in their marriage. In his twenties he started counseling couples regarding marriage issues, doing so with those his own age and with many over twice his age.

He has always exhibited keen insight into relationships of all kinds, not just marriages. His ability to recognize and sense the truth behind the issues of those who have come to him for guidance or counseling over these past almost-forty years has been the motivation for the writing of this book.

Rick still counsels and works with couples today regarding issues they are facing in their marriage. When asked to officiate a wedding ceremony, he requires several counseling sessions to ensure the couple will enter into this union with a full understanding of what they are entering into and what it will require of each one personally.